This post is simple yet with great intensity.. we omit the power in the simplicities of faithfulness to Christ. Yes, we will lose ourselves, that’s the point. But often the journey gets rough and we take another road. But there is power and transformation in returning to Him. It is possible in Christ.
Read MoreLove is identified by many in various ways… both small and big. But as a disciple of Christ, your love for Christ is so important. It is a love that doesn’t fluctuate.. it is constant. But we need to understand that when we feel the ups-and-down, it’s usually us. However, God never changes. Let’s talk.. what do you love?
Read MoreThere is a Responsibility of God that each of us in the Body Of Christ was given. We carry it everyday… it’s with us all the time. But we have a choice to carry Him or conform to this world. Here’s my take on the Responsibility of God … and it is my hope that His responsibility becomes more real and precious to you on your walk.
Read MoreIsolation is what we’ve all experience on new levels this past year… Join me as we talk about the power of knowing you have a Savior that never leaves us alone.
Read MoreSo this blog marks the last of our rest series. It is quite interesting the turns your life will take when you truly stop looking at the world through the eyes of the world, and look at the world the way God sees it.
Read MoreIn the last blog, we left off with an assignment. Do not think of it as homework but more so like an exercise to help you fight the things that go against the commands and designs of God. Essentially, the assignment is geared towards helping you develop a lifestyle of answering your feelings and correcting bad habits with God’s Word.
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